
Installation with pip

Most users will want to do this:

pip install ukis-pysat[complete]  # install everything

There’s also some lighter versions with less dependencies:

pip install ukis-pysat  # only install core dependencies (ukis_pysat.file can be used)

pip install ukis-pysat[raster]  # also install dependencies for ukis_pysat.raster

Some helper functions might need additional dependencies like pandas, dask[array] or utm. If this is the case you will receive an ImportError.


If you’re having troubles installing GDAL and Rasterio use conda and/or follow these instructions.


To run the tests:

git clone
cd ukis-pysat
pip install -e .[dev]
python -m unittest discover tests

If you set the environment variables with the credentials to the hubs, you can uncomment @unittest.skip() for these tests.